Orianas stamtavla.                                                         


Isrosens Oriana, F, SIB ny 24, 2007-07-04, SE/-
Skrivaranpassad | Generationer: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Inavelsgrad = 0,781% | Testpara
CH Maori von der Goldenen Sima, SIB ny 24, 2006-05-14, CH/S [h]

Sandal Valenvic, SIB ny 24 GIC Kuzma Litvik, SIB ny 23, Ru/- Eu CH Guelious Onix Gloria, SIB n 23, RU/- [p]Gaeleous Onix Gloria.JPG
Zemfira Litvic, SIB n 21
WCh Europa Valenvic, SIB n 23, RU/- [p]Bild av Europa Valenvic CH Charoit, SIB ns 09 23, RU/-
W CH Arkiza Milashmi, SIB ns, RU/- [p]Arkiza Milashmi.jpg
CH Unica Rossity, SIB ny 23

IC Lancelot Onix Gloria, SIB ny 22 GEC Fenist of Russian Kings from Siberian Forest, SIB ns 22, 1996-04-14, RU/-


WCH Iriska Onix Gloria, SIB ns 23, RU/-
CH WCF Rossity Lubushka, SIB ny 23, 2004-02-17 GIC WCF Jean from Russian Kings of Siberian Forests, SIB x ns 21
GIC WCF Rossity Gutineya, SIB n 24, 1997-11-18
Gorabellas Biata Bellochka, SIB ny 09 23, 2005-06-07 [h]

Staffansgårdens Schenia, SIB n 09 23, 2004-01-18 [h]


Staffansgårdens Malkov, SIB n 09 23, 2002-07-07 CH Lumikissan Apollon, SIB n 09 23, 2001-05-13 [p]IC&PR Lumikissan Apollon.JPG


Berta, SIB n 24, 2000-02-29, RU/SE [p]
Evlalia Sant-Andre, SIB n 23, 1999-09-18, RU/SE [h] Eu CH Guelious Onix Gloria, SIB n 23, RU/- [p]
IC Tzarevna Tzetzilia Seliger, SIB n 21 [p]
Knjaze Izabella, SIB n 24, 2002-09-01 [h] GIC Brus, SIB n 23, 2000-02-29, RU/SE [p] GIC Ralmond Marcell, SIB a 09 21
CH Zemfira Amurskaya, SIB n 23, RU/- [p]
IC Jeanne from Russian Kings of Siberian Forests, SIB n 09, 1999-03-01, RU/SE GIC Untars from Russian Kings of Siberian Forests, SIB ns 09
CH Cveta Onix Gloria, SIB ny 21, Ru/-

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